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ts buns

The game is so cute! 🥰 I love the way the characters interact with each other especially when they are blushing.

So that means im doing good job after all. Glad you like it

the art is kinda cute in its way and i had a decent laugh, thanks for your work

Thanks for reading this novel

Pretty fun little experience and the fourth wall breaks are fun without being obnoxious like you see in some other works out there. I'm not sure if the lack of editing/spellcheck is a stylistic choice, some people do, but either way, it's a fun game that I hope updates!

The art style is cute and I like Eric and Alex in particular

Pls dont check old Kevin sprites in the game folder, its cringe as hell

Wow, that VN is actually really cool. The protagonist is really funny and the fourth wall breaking is hilarious. Making fun of limitations of the engine is funny too. I can't really say that the script is great, but, like "the language" is. I nearly died when I saw "don't call me cute, im a muthafacka". There were many more moments like that, but that is my favourite. Descriptions of kisses are really hot and cute btw :3.

The artstyle is amazing, please don't change it. Music is okay, but sometimes there is no audio when there has to be, imho. What else, Terry is weird. I mean, he doesn't get as much time as others do, but I guess that will be fixed in later versions.

10/10, best visual novel ever.

Temmie, thanks, you reminded me that I forgot to add a REASON why Terry is even around our guys. This is my fuck-up, i hate these head-canons, sorry

(1 edit) (+2)

i had so much fun reading this!! It really reminded me of this other VN called Fueled by Wolves and that one was absolutely hilarious! Only difference was that it was a one-off April Fool's VN but this one isn't! You are way too hard on yourself, dev. While you may not realize it you honestly have mastered on how to break the 4th wall in a way that is actually funny and not just "oh look fourth wall break lol"

Even this itch page is hilarious and I laughed harder than I should have at "Chris, am I weirdo?" and all the okies ^-^ 

There are so many serious FVNs out there right now but another as funny as this one is rare. I look forward to dating more furry boys since I can't even get a human one to like me irl :/  Good luck, yeen dev! :)


I agree with you, there are so many serious novels on itch io. Who can make some funny moments, but the story comes first. And here's I, yeen who added choice... not to choose anybody just to laugh, really. Anyway, im glad you like my novel. And yeah, who needs humans anyway

Damn I love this VN. Also for a first time maker of a VN you have done a really great job!

Even if you say that the characters need to be drawn better, I think just the roughness of it works as how silly you wrote the script. It somehow embraces the simplicity, and honesty of the concept. The low-energy humor works very well for me too.

I laugh my ass off whenever main character would blame how the culture and system of VN works. Specifically when he noticed that wolf's tail only to be disappointed bcs he's a sprite. 

I did not pick any characters though (not bc im asexual) but because they were lacking physical features. If you're going for horny/romance route, improving their physical drawn features would make it work better.

Not sure how the story will turn out but I am looking forward to this. 11/10

The fact is that I left the background of the characters, and all this for the next update. Initially, I needed to make at least the first build. I thought it would be further along the course of the routes to reveal the characters, but I think I have to rewrite the text and reveal the characters even before the route window. Anyway, thank you, i'll try to make it better

Nice dude


Nice VN, thank you!  


That's a really nice vn, I like how it doesn't try to be serious, but at the same time it's never overwhelmingly dumb. Best wishes, dev.


Thanks man


I don't really have any comments to say the thing I can say is that the story is magnificent, especially MC and the others and I support this VN^^


I'm glad you liked it


Don't be hard on yourself. This is some good stuff

These are exactly the words that clear my head, thanks


So I just arrived, I read the VN and frankly I like to be honest the main character who is basically a delinquent and ultimately he lives here and has friends but friends who are in love with him who support him even if he is on the go it shows that he is sentimental frankly the story satisfied me I know that it is not yet finished since it is a demo I imagine but frankly it is for you say a big congratulations

Thank you


Man since it's your first vn I'm going to be pretty nice to be honest I think the characters aren't bad it's your first so it's normal that it looks like that plus it's good that you added specials for the face most VNs don't do this it's a shame so in my opinion you deserve at least 5 stars even if it's your first VN


Man since you are my first commentator I wanna say thank you. Just, thank you. When you hear words of support, you realize that at least you didn't try in vain


He he^^